Your Super Brain: Cubox AI Reading Assistant
Introducing Cubox AI Reading Assistant, which provides a brand-new learning-oriented reading experience through powerful AI capabilities, performing text processing, answering questions during reading, and digging deep insights from text.

A good article is the crystallization of the author’s experience and thinking. We can hardly understand the full knowledge framework behind it just through words. In order to read high-quality content, we often use a series of tools: translation plugins, search engines, hyperlinks, thinking, note-taking… But even so, reading has become increasingly challenging in the era of short videos.
Every reader deserves an intelligent assistant to make reading easier and better.
Now AI has made this possible: we have welcomed a super brain, an all-in-one assistant that can almost replace your entire reading toolbox.
Introducing Cubox AI Reading Assistant, which provides a brand-new learning-oriented reading experience through powerful AI capabilities, performing text processing, answering questions during reading, and digging deep insights from text.
Summarizing long articles, simplifying meanings, translating, explaining terms, divergent thinking, writing reading notes, designing review questions… it can help you read long texts short, deep texts shallow, and link countless inspirations. It can create new “hyperlinks” and “search engines” on any text like magic.
Ready To Use
Call up the assistant from the reader’s action menu and ask questions about the entire text;
Highlight the text while reading and start asking questions about the selected text.
Cubox provides some commonly used questions for you to quickly call up, and you can also ask freely, including multiple instructions in one question to achieve multiple goals at once. Cubox will record the last 3 questions used for your consecutive use.
The assistant’s answers can be directly copied, shared, or posted to social media with beautiful images.
Writing reading notes and highlighting notes also has a brand-new way: for answers that you are satisfied with, you can quickly add them to descriptions or notes, leaving high-quality review materials for the future.
Everything can be asked
You can ask the assistant about anything, and the answers often surprise you:
Simple summary in Chinese
Generate Chinese outline
Translation alone is not enough. You can understand the summary before reading English texts. You can decide whether to continue reading based on these summaries. Some articles are not worth wasting time on. (Try processing your collection box that you may have accumulated effortlessly)
Save the trouble of copying and pasting to search engines and looking for results in a pile. Let AI explain it to you!
How to explain to a primary school student
Even the most obscure and difficult-to-understand text has become popular, hasn’t it?
Where does xxx in the article come from? What does it mean?
You can ask very specific questions, and AI’s acquisition of knowledge in all fields is beyond human reach.
What is the difference between it and xxx?
You can even ask AI about content that is not mentioned in the article.
I want to make a competitor of this product. How should I design it?
Boldly express your ideas, and the assistant can provide useful inspiration.
Give some brainstorming inspiration
Want to write something in reading notes, but your mind is blocked? Try this universal remedy.
Ask me some questions
Is this article vaguely understood? Pass the AI test first, and a few questions will reveal the truth. You can return to the text to find clues based on the questions or continue to ask the assistant until you understand it.
A new paradigm of reading
Who said that reading must be from top to bottom, word by word in a single line? Regardless of whether you are a student, a workplace professional, or any professional identity, you can find a suitable way to use the assistant. The assistant is not only a substitute for certain tools, but also challenges many traditional reading and note-taking methods. We believe that AI will definitely bring new reading modes.
The reading assistant is the forerunner of the Cubox AI plan. In this wave, the Cubox team will continue to embrace new technologies, focus on landing technology, and provide advanced tools that readers really love and use.
Cubox AI is currently in the beta version, and all users can try the reading assistant for free 50 times. You can bind your own OpenAI API key in the settings to get more usage times. For detailed tutorials, please refer to the Cubox Support.